General type
Seats in total: 110
Seats inside: 90
Seats outside: 20
Garden / Terrace

The kitchen should convey a joie de vivre. This was Fritz Schilling’s motto, which he passed on to his young suc­cessor.

Florian Vogel, a new culin­ary com­pass of Camers, respects and ap­pre­ci­ates his pre­de­cessor and is happy to re­main true to Schilling’s philo­sophy, but the kit­chen’s spirit will be Vogel’s. Per­fect products, im­pec­cable crafts­man­ship and a sturdy dose of cre­ativ­ity char­ac­ter­ise his work. A new chef of Camers amazes his guests with his culin­ary works of art, of­fer­ing them ex­cep­tion­al pleas­ure on a plate. 

Whenever Schloss Hohen­kam­mer’s gast­ro­nomy is a topic of dis­cus­sion, the or­gan­ic in­gredi­ents em­ployed there are men­tioned: with good reason. And what makes it all the more grat­i­fy­ing is that the sup­plier of these in­gredi­ents (ve­get­ables, fruit and meat) is the neigh­bour­ing Gut Eichet­hof, which has been part of Schloss Hohen­kam­mer for cen­tur­ies. For our chefs, the qual­ity and fresh­ness of their in­gredi­ents are very important, and that is some­thing you can taste and evaluate!





special details

Open parking, Suitable for groups and festivities, Familiy friendly

Nearby locations

Hohenkammer (none)
Munich (40 km)
Freising (19 km)


Next airport: Munich (30 km)
Next station: Munich (45 km)




landscape view

Facilities outside

terraces, garden

Facilities inside


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Frank Fingerhut